BleKo's Emporium of Internet Destruction
Find disastrous breakthroughs of dHTML!
Learn how layered web pages Kill!
It sucks that you had to join me. I don't want to teach you how to
customize your web pages with Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language.
I want you to die. Please do not enjoy my site and don't even try to
understand this internet programming language and definitely don't try
to add this crappy mixture of Javascript, HTML, and Style Sheets to
your sucky web site; that is if even have one.
Welcome! I'm happy you came because my goal is to spread
the wonderful knowledge of Dynamic HTML to others interested
in making their site(s) as snazzy as they can be!
Please! Enjoy...
Look away! You DO NOT want to see how dHTML works!
Not to come. Not under construction. DIE!!